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3i Group plc
Report and accounts 2006

Notes to the financial statements

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23 Loans and borrowings

Loans and borrowings
(as restated)*
(as restated)*
Loans and borrowings 1,474 1,298 1,198 981
Loans and borrowings are repayable as follows:        
Within one year 231 102 230 102
In the second year 400 155 200 79
In the third year 94 400 94 200
In the fourth year - 40 - -
In the fifth year 149 - 74 -
After five years 600 601 600 600
Total  1,474 1,298 1,198 981

* As restated for the adoption of IFRS.


Principal borrowings include:

Principal borrowings include:
  Rate Maturity Group
(as restated)*
(as restated)*
Notes issued under the £2,000 million note issuance programme            
Fixed rate            
£200 million notes (public issue) 6.875% 2007 200 200 200 200
£200 million notes (public issue) 6.875% 2023 200 200 200 200
£400 million notes (public issue) 5.750% 2032 400 400 400 400
Variable rate            
£200 million notes (public issue) LIBOR+0.100% 2007 200 200 - -
Other     94 4 94 4
Total      1,094 1,004 894 804
Committed multi-currency facilities            
£486 million (negotiated September 2005) LIBOR+0.210% 2010 - - - -
£150 million (negotiated November 2005) LIBOR+0.175% 2010 148 - 74 -
£360 million (facility expired)     - 151 - 76
£595 million (facility expired)     - 40 - -
Total      148 191 74 76
Other bonds in issue   2010 1 1 - -
Other borrowings     2 101 2 101
Euro commercial paper     228 - 228 -
Finance lease obligations     1 1 - -
Total      232 103 230 101
Total loans and borrowings     1,474 1,298 1,198 981

* As restated for the adoption of IFRS.


The drawings under the committed multi-currency facilities are repayable within one year but have been classified as repayable at the maturity date as immediate replacement funding is available until those maturity dates. The undrawn commitment fee on the £150 million committed multi-currency facility is 0.05%. The margin on this facility increases to 0.20% if the drawn amount is greater than 50% of the facility. The undrawn commitment fee on the £486 million committed multi-currency facility is 0.08%. The margin on this facility increases to 0.235% if the drawn amount is between 33% and 66% of the facility, and to 0.26% if the drawn amount is greater than 66% of the facility.

The other borrowings in 2005 principally relate to deposits taken when the Company was a licensed deposit taker. This activity has now ceased.

All of the Group's borrowings are repayable in one instalment on the respective maturity dates. None of the Group's interest-bearing loans and borrowings are secured on the assets of the Group. The fair value of the loan and borrowings is £1,543 million (2005: £1,359 million).


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