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3i Group plc
Report and accounts 2006

Notes to the financial statements

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22 Derivative financial instruments

Derivative financial instruments
(as restated)*
(as restated)*
Current assets        
Forward foreign exchange contracts 4 19 4 19
Currency swaps - 1 - 1
Interest rate swaps 15 15 15 15
Total  19 35 19 35
Current liabilities        
Forward foreign exchange contracts (12) (3) (12) (3)
Currency swaps (3) (7) (3) (7)
Interest rate swaps (57) (50) (49) (36)
Derivative element of Convertible Bonds (96) (20) (96) (20)
Total  (168) (80) (160) (66)

* As restated for the adoption of IFRS.


Forward foreign exchange contracts and currency swaps

The Group uses forward exchange contracts and currency swaps to minimise the effect of fluctuations in the value of the investment portfolio from movement in exchange rates. Foreign currency interest-bearing loans and borrowings are also used for this purpose.

The contracts entered into by the Group are principally denominated in the currencies of the geographic areas in which the Group operates. The fair value of these contracts is recorded in the balance sheet and is determined by discounting future cash flows at the prevailing market rates at the balance sheet date. No contracts are designated as hedging instruments and consequently all changes in fair value are taken to profit or loss.

At the balance sheet date, the notional amount of outstanding forward foreign exchange contracts is as follows:

Outstanding forward foreign exchange contracts
(as restated)*
Forward foreign currency contracts 1,392 825
Currency swaps 35 68
Total  1,427 893

* As restated for the adoption of IFRS.


Interest rate swaps

The Group uses interest rate swaps to manage its exposure to interest rate movements on its interest-bearing loans and borrowings. The fair value of these contracts is recorded in the balance sheet and is determined by discounting future cash flows at the prevailing market rates at the balance sheet date. No contracts are designated as hedging instruments and consequently all changes in fair value are taken to profit or loss.

At the balance sheet date, the notional amount of outstanding interest rate swaps is as follows:

Outstanding forward foreign exchange contracts
(as restated)*
Fixed rate to variable rate 340 430
Fixed rate to fixed rate 70 70
Variable rate to fixed rate 1,020 849
Variable rate to variable rate 170 170
Total  1,600 1,519

* As restated for the adoption of IFRS.


The Group does not trade in derivatives. The derivatives held hedge specific exposures and have maturities designed to match the exposures they are hedging. It is the intention to hold both the financial instruments giving rise to the exposure and the derivative hedging them until maturity and therefore no net gain or loss is expected to be realised.

The derivatives are held at fair value which represents the replacement cost of the instruments at the balance sheet date. Movements in the fair value of derivatives are included in the income statement.


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