Corporate responsibility report

As a corporate

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As an employer
3i’s staff are fundamental to the success of its business. Accordingly, one of 3i’s core values is to respect its staff and their needs.

Employees are organised in small teams and an environment of co-operation is encouraged to ensure the highest standards of integrity and professionalism.

In accordance with 3i’s core values, individual consultation with employees on matters affecting them, and fair and open communication, are a high priority. Periodically, internal communication surveys of employees are conducted for 3i by independent researchers.

3i has comprehensive behaviour policies to help ensure that employees treat their colleagues and others with courtesy and respect.

3i also has a whistle blowing policy setting out procedures for staff to raise in confidence matters of concern, for an appropriate and independent investigation of such matters and, where necessary, for follow-up action.

3i’s employment policies are described in more detail in the Directors’ report.

Health and safety
3i recognises that the promotion of health and safety at work is an essential function of staff and management at all levels. In an endeavour to achieve high standards, appropriate policies and procedures have been put in place. These policies and procedures are the responsibility of Michael Queen, the Finance Director.

The purpose of 3i’s health and safety policy is to enable all members of 3i’s staff to go about their everyday business at 3i’s offices in the expectation that they can do so safely and without risk to their health. 3i imposes rigorous standards on its staff and subcontractors and endeavours to ensure that the health, safety and welfare of its employees, visitors, customers, subcontractors’ staff and the general public are not compromised.

3i’s objective is not to have any reportable accidents or incidents. During the year to 31 March 2004, no reportable accidents or incidents occurred under UK Health and Safety regulations and no reportable accidents or incidents occurred under similar regulations outside the UK.

3i’s health and safety procedures are independently reviewed annually. As a member of Tommy’s Pregnancy Accreditation Programme, 3i complies with criteria for pregnancy management, geared towards creating a positive environment for parents-to-be in the workplace.

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