3i group plc Report and accounts 2004
previous note: Provisions for liabilities and charges
next note: Called up share capital

Note 39 - Subordinated liabilities
Subordinated liabilities comprise limited recourse funding from Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (“KfW”), a German federal bank. This funding, which individually finances investment assets, is at various fixed rates of interest and maturity is dependent upon the disposal of the associated assets. This funding is subordinated to other creditors of the individual group undertakings to which these funds have been advanced and become non-repayable as assets fail. The carrying values of the non-recourse funding are adjusted to reflect the amounts expected to be payable when assets are failing.
As a method of settling this non-recourse funding, 3i Group plc agreed to purchase from KfW €72 million (£50 million) owed by Technologieholding Fonds VC GmbH and Technologieholding Fonds NBL GmbH for a consideration of €9 million (£6 million). This resulted in a realised capital profit in the year to 31 March 2003 of £39 million.
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