3i group plc Report and accounts 2004
previous note: Convertible bonds
next note: Currency exposures

Note 32 - Interest rate sensitivity gap analysis
Interest rate risk emanates from the Group’s loan investments and the Group’s funding. The Group’s policy is that fixed rate lending is matched with fixed rate borrowings and the interest rate resetting profile of variable rate lending is matched with that of variable rate borrowings through gearing the portfolio. Financial instruments including interest rate swaps are used as part of this matching process. Equity investments, which are mainly funded by shareholders’ funds but also partially by borrowings in similar currencies, give rise to an interest rate sensitivity gap as a result of the equity investments being non-interest bearing and having no fixed maturity date. The interest rate sensitivity gap at 31 March 2004 was:
Assets Not more than three months
£ m
More than three months but not more than six months
More than six months but not more than one year
More than one year but not more than five years
More than five years
Non-interest bearing
Treasury bills and other eligible bills –  –  –  –  – 
Loans and advances to banks 419  65  50  –  –  –  534 
Debt securities held for treasury purposes 244  40  –  –  –  –  284 
Debt securities and other fixed income
  securities held as financial fixed assets
   Loan investments 424  39  59  301  489  –  1,312 
   Fixed income shares –  –  –  –  –  150  150 
Equity shares –  –  –  –  –  2,864  2,864 
Other assets –  –  –  –  –  267  267 
  1,087  144  109  301  490  3,281  5,412 
Deposits by banks 215  –  –  –  –  –  215 
Debt securities in issue (174)  (24)  21  388  917  –  1,128 
Convertible bonds –  –  –  367  –  –  367 
Other liabilities –  –  –  –  –  262  262 
Subordinated liabilities –  –  –  –  45  –  45 
Shareholders’ funds –  –  –  –  –  3,395  3,395 
  41  (24)  21  755  962  3,657  5,412 
Interest rate sensitivity gap 1,046  168  88  (454)  (472)  (376)  – 
Cumulative gap 1,046  1,214  1,302  848  376  –  – 
Assets Not more than three months
More than three months but not more than six months
More than six months but not more than one year
More than one year but notmore than five years
More than five years
Non-interest bearing
Treasury bills and other eligible bills –  –  –  –  – 
Loans and advances to banks 412  105  10  –  –  –  527 
Debt securities held for treasury purposes 228  55  –  –  –  –  283 
Debt securities and other fixed income
  securities held as financial fixed assets
   Loan investments 438  67  65  328  438  –  1,336 
   Fixed income shares –  –  –  –  –  228  228 
Equity shares –  –  –  –  –  2,375  2,375 
Other assets –  –  –  –  –  249  249 
  1,078  227  75  328  439  2,852  4,999 
Deposits by banks 316  104  –  –  –  423 
Debt securities in issue (44)  126  (34)  302  1,000  –  1,350 
Convertible bonds –  –  –  –  –  –  – 
Other liabilities –  –  –  –  –  239  239 
Subordinated liabilities –  –  –  –  51  ���  51 
Shareholders’ funds –  –  –  –  –  2,936  2,936 
  272  230  (31)  302  1,051  3,175  4,999 
Interest rate sensitivity gap 806  (3)  106  26  (612)  (323)  – 
Cumulative gap 806  803  909  935  323  –  – 
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