3i group plc Report and accounts 2004
previous note: Fees receivable
next note: Directors’ emoluments

Note 10 - Administrative expenses and depreciation
Staff costs    
   Wages and salaries 77  67 
   Social security costs 11 
   Other pension costs 15  15 
  103  89 
Other administrative expenses 55  57 
Total administrative expenses 163  153 
Total administrative expenses have been allocated as follows:    
Revenue reserve 72  64 
Capital reserve 91  89 
  163  153 
The average monthly number of employees during the year was 833 (2003: 922). At 31 March 2004, the number of employees was 750 (2003: 858). In addition to the staff costs shown above, the amounts shown in note 4 have been charged against capital profits in respect of carried interest and investment performance plans.
Costs associated with making and managing investments were allocated to revenue and capital profits based on the expected split of returns between revenue and capital. This split is expected to be 30% revenue and 70% capital.
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