Executive Reports

Investing for Growth

We invest in our assets to grow our business. Across the Group, we invested £1,905 million in 2004/05.

In 2004/05, some £522 million was invested in our UK electricity and gas transmission networks and £74 million in our US electricity transmission networks. In addition, we invested £272 million in our UK Gas Distribution business and £234 million in the US electricity and gas distribution networks this past year. This is just the start.

Replacement expenditure on our UK Gas Distribution network was some £474 million, compared with £388 million in 2003/04 and is set to increase further over the next few years.

Declining gas reserves in the UK continental shelf mean that the UK is rapidly becoming a net importer of gas. New sources of supply for import are now being planned across the UK, which will lead us to expand our gas and electricity transmission networks. We expect to invest in excess of £750 million over the next five years in new high pressure gas pipeline projects across the UK, as well as up to £500 million for the Isle of Grain liquefied natural gas (LNG) project, the first phase of which will be ready for commissioning in June 2005. The second phase will provide additional capacity, scheduled for late 2008.

Isle of Grain LNG import terminal. We are investing some £500 million in the Isle of Grain LNG import terminal, the first phase of which will be ready for commissioning in June 2005. The second phase is scheduled to provide additional capacity in late 2008.

In the UK, we are also reviewing with Ofgem and the Government the necessary investment for the electricity transmission network to support the development of renewable energy projects. Financing of £108 million will be allocated to upgrade the Anglo-Scottish interconnector, subject to relevant consents.

A major pipelaying project involving the laying of transmission pipelines between Aberdeen and Lochside. Laying transmission pipelines between Aberdeen and Lochside. Other major pipelaying projects are also planned to deal with new gas import schemes.

Over the next few years, we anticipate increasing investment substantially in renewing parts of our UK electricity network. The bulk of these assets was installed during the 1960s and 1970s and will be due for renewal over the next few years. In the US, we are also planning to increase investment in reliability programmes and asset renewal, which is included in the £222 million spending committed for next year.

Turning to our wireless infrastructure business, we are continuing to invest in the development of the 3G infrastructure needed to meet the growing demand for 3G services. We are also well positioned to invest in the build out of the new digital terrestrial television networks that will be needed to replace the existing analogue television networks. We are already working closely with the broadcast industry on the planning of the analogue to digital switchover, which we anticipate will take place on a region by region basis between 2008 and 2012.

The Basslink project, which is a 600 MW interconnector linking the electricity network from Australia to Tasmania remains broadly in line with the £300 million budget.

Demands placed on our networks are changing and we need to keep pace with these changes to make the most of them for our shareholders. Responsible investment should enable us to meet these demands and create value.

*Excludes the acquisition of the UK operations of Crown Castle International Corp.
