17. Auditors' remuneration

Fees payable by the Group to the Company's auditors, Deloitte LLP, and its associates were as follows:

  Year ended
2 January
$ million
Year ended
3 January
$ million
Year ended
29 December
$ million
Audit fees:  
– Audit of the Company's accounts0.70.80.8
– Audit of the accounts of the Company's subsidiaries4.34.95.0
– Other statutory services0.10.20.2
Tax fees:  
– Compliance services0.60.70.5
– Advisory services1.02.11.2
All other fees0.20.20.4
Total fees6.98.98.1

Fees for the audit of the Company's accounts represent fees payable to Deloitte LLP in respect of the audit of the Company's individual financial statements and the Group's consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS.

Other statutory services include the review of the Group's interim financial statements.

Other fees are paid for services including advice on accounting matters and non-statutory reporting.

The Audit Committee or, between meetings, the Chairman of the Audit Committee, approves the engagement terms and fees of Deloitte LLP for all services before the related work is undertaken.

Fees payable by associated pension schemes to Deloitte LLP and its associates were as follows:

  Year ended
2 January
$ million
Year ended
3 January
$ million
Year ended
29 December
$ million
Statutory services:  
– Audit of the pension schemes of the Company's subsidiaries0.10.10.1