Consolidated cash flow statement
for the year ended 31 December 2001

Note 2001
Net cash inflow from operating activities 22 32,187 19,558
Returns on investment and servicing of finance
Interest received 482 664
Interest paid (1,951) (1,224)
Interest element of finance lease rental payments (71) (82)
Finance costs of new bank loans (1,646) (172)
Payments to minority interests (115) (184)
(3,301) (998)
UK corporation tax paid (505) (821)
Overseas tax paid (7,732) (5,014)
(8,237) (5,835)
Capital expenditure
Purchase of intangible fixed assets (72) (119)  
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (11,385) (9,779)
Sale of tangible fixed assets 1,223 1,040
(10,234) (8,858)
Acquisitions and disposals
Acquisition of subsidiary undertakings (67,343) (9,058)
Net cash acquired with subsidiary undertakings 13 271
(67,330) (8,787)
Equity dividends paid (5,000) (4,571)
Net cash outflow before use of liquid resources and financing (61,915) (9,491)
Management of liquid resources
Repayments from short term bank deposits 947 2,978
Issue of new shares 7,944 41
New bank loans drawn 62,153 9,868
Repayment of bank loans and loan notes (18,407) (4,211)
Sale and leaseback transactions
Capital element of finance lease rental payments (396) (307)
Net cash inflow from financing 52,181 5,391
Decrease in cash in the year 23 (8,787) (1,122)