Directors' Report 

The directors present their annual report to shareholders together with the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 March 1999.

Principal Activities and Business Review
The principal activities of the Group throughout the year under review continued to be catalogue home shopping, Experian information services, finance, Burberry, South African retailing and property investment.

These activities were expanded on 27 April 1998 through the acquisition of Argos plc, a high street catalogue retailer.

The review of the results for the year and an indication of future developments appear in the Chairman's Statement.

Profit and Dividends
The profit and appropriations for the year are shown in the consolidated profit and loss account. An interim dividend of 6.2p was paid to the Ordinary shareholders of the Company on 1 February 1999 and on 16 June 1999 the directors recommended the payment, to those persons on the Register of Members at the close of business on 20 August 1999, of a final dividend on 15 September 1999, of 14.4p making a total annual dividend for the year of 20.6p compared with 20.0p for the previous year.

The names and the biographical details of the directors holding office at the date of this report are shown on the Directors and Advisers page.

Mr. Terry Duddy, the Chief Executive of Argos Distributors Limited, was appointed to the Board on 3 November 1998. As the appointment was made after the date of the last Annual General Meeting, he will retire in accordance with the Company's Articles of Association and a resolution proposing his re-election will be submitted at the Annual General Meeting. The other named directors held office throughout the year to 31 March 1999.

The directors retiring by rotation are Mr. Victor J. Barnett, Mr. David G. Bury, Mr. Alan J. Smart and Mr. David A. Tyler who, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election.

During the year the Company maintained liability insurance for its directors and officers.

Interests of directors, who held office at 31 March 1999, in the shares of the Company and its subsidiaries appear on page 35. There has been no change in the directors' interests in shares or options granted by the Company between the end of the financial year and 1 June 1999.

As was reported last year, on 27 April 1998, the Company's offer for the whole of the share capital of Argos plc, a company engaged in the retailing of consumer durable goods through catalogue stores, was declared wholly unconditional. The consideration of £1.9bn was satisfied by cash and a full Loan Note alternative.

Experian completed a number of small strategic acquisitions in Argentina, Germany, Ireland, Italy and the Netherlands.

Substantial Shareholding
The Company has been notified that as at 31 May 1999 the Prudential Corporation group of companies held 32,221,007 Ordinary shares which represented 3.2 per cent of the issued Ordinary share capital of the Company at that date. The Company has not received notification that any other person holds 3 per cent or more of the issued Ordinary share capital.

Annual General Meeting
The eighty-first Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the Institute of Directors, 116 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5ED on Thursday 29 July 1999.

The Notice of Meeting is included in a Circular to Shareholders. Resolutions 1 to 8 deal with the receipt of the report of the directors and the financial statements of the Company for the year to 31 March 1999, together with the report of the auditors, the declaration of a final dividend, the re-election of directors and the re-appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers as auditors and the authorisation of the directors to fix their remuneration. In addition, the directors will propose resolutions covering the following matters:

    (a) Purchase of own shares

    By a Special Resolution passed at the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 9 September 1998, authority was given for the Company to make market purchases of up to 9.9 per cent of the issued Ordinary share capital of the Company. Since this authority expires at the 1999 Annual General Meeting, Special Resolution 9 will be proposed to renew the authority to purchase up to 9.9 per cent of the issued Ordinary share capital. The Company will only exercise the power of purchase after careful consideration and only in circumstances where, in the light of the market conditions prevailing at the time, it is satisfied that it is in the best interests of the shareholders of the Company generally to do so and where there would be a resulting increase in earnings per share.

    (b) Powers to allot shares and disapplication of pre-emption rights

    Resolution 10, which will be proposed as an Ordinary Resolution, seeks to renew the directors' authority under Section 80 of the Companies Act 1985 to allot unissued share capital up to an aggregate nominal amount of £61,056,820 being approximately 24 per cent of the Company's issued Ordinary share capital (and representing the whole of the unissued Ordinary share capital) as at 1 June 1999.

    Resolution 11, which will be proposed as a Special Resolution, grants the directors power to allot shares for cash without first offering those shares pro rata to existing shareholders up to an aggregate nominal amount of £12,572,159 representing 5 per cent of the Company's issued Ordinary share capital as at 1 June 1999 being a date not more than one month prior to the date of this report.

    The directors consider that it is in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders generally that they should have the flexibility conferred by the above authorities to make small issues of shares for cash as suitable opportunities arise, although they have no present intention of exercising either of these authorities. Both of these authorities will expire at the earlier of 28 October 2000 and the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting to be held in 2000.

    (c) Adoption of long term incentive plan

    Resolution 12 seeks to approve the adoption of a new executive long term incentive plan. The reasons for the introduction of this plan, the scope of the plan and the intended participants are indicated in a Circular to Shareholders dated 29 June 1999 and the main terms of the plan are summarised in the Appendix to that Circular.

    (d) Change in Articles of Association

    Article 76.1 of the Company's Articles of Association provides for the retirement of directors by rotation. It states that at each annual general meeting, one third of directors, or, if their number is not an integral number of three, the nearest number to one third, but not exceeding one third, shall retire from office but so that if there are fewer than three directors who are subject to rotation, one shall retire.

    It is possible therefore that a director could be in office for a period of more than three years before seeking re-election and, in order to comply with Provision A.6.2 of the Combined Code which states that directors should seek re-election at intervals of no more than three years, it is proposed in Resolution 13 that an appropriate change to deal with this be made to the Articles of Association.

Charitable and Political Donations
The Group's support for charitable causes is channelled through the work of the GUS Charitable Trust which was established in 1998.

In the year ended 31 March 1999, the Group's funding of the GUS Charitable Trust amounted to £505,000. In addition the Group contributed £142,000 directly to UK charitable organisations as a result of donations made by its newly acquired Argos subsidiary.

No political contributions were made.

Employment Policies
The GUS Group consists of a number of trading divisions operating in different business sectors. While employment practices may vary between these divisions and subsidiaries there is, nevertheless, a common approach in the following areas which are of particular importance to the Group:-

  • All employees should receive fair and equal treatment irrespective of gender, ethnic origin, age, nationality, marital status, religion, sexuality and disability.
  • The working environment should be free from sexual and racial harassment and intimidation.
  • Disabled persons, whether registered or not, should have equal opportunities when applying for vacancies, having due regard to their aptitudes and abilities. In addition to complying with legislative requirements, procedures should be in place to ensure that disabled employees are fairly treated and that their training and career development needs are carefully managed. For those employees becoming disabled during the course of their employment, every effort should be made, whether through retraining or redeployment, to provide an opportunity for them to remain with the Group.
  • A recognition of the responsibility to ensure that all reasonable precautions are taken to provide and maintain working conditions, for employees and visitors, which are safe, healthy and in compliance with statutory requirements and appropriate codes of practice.

Employee Involvement
Group companies consult their staff on matters of concern to them in the context of their employment. In those Group companies where there are recognition agreements with Trade Unions there is a consultation process through national and local Trade Union representatives and through joint consultative committees.

Information on matters of concern to employees is also disseminated through conferences, meetings, publications and electronic media.

Environmental Policy
The Company's Environmental Policy is as follows:-

General Principles

As one of the largest companies in the United Kingdom, GUS has a responsibility to consider its impact upon the environment. It wants to be a good corporate citizen and its environmental policy provides the framework against which it will measure its performance and manage its activities.

It intends to:

  • Comply with all relevant environmental legislation.
  • Measure and continually improve performance with respect to the effect on the environment.
  • Report openly on its impacts and progress towards meeting its goals.
  • Encourage its suppliers to improve their own environmental performance.
  • Compare its environmental activities to others in its sectors (Retail and Financial Services) to help it improve.
Key Environmental Impacts and Goals

A preliminary review of our environmental impacts has been undertaken. A wide range of issues is being managed but three priority areas have been set. These are major impacts, where it is believed improvements can be made. The priorities are:

  • Reducing waste.
  • Improving energy management.
  • Reducing our consumption of materials.

This policy will be implemented through an environmental management plan. Each Group business will develop its own local policy, based on this one. Local Environmental Committees will be appointed to set targets in line with corporate goals, and to take action. The Committees will also act as a reporting mechanism, as a basis for preparing an environmental report for the Group.

There is a commitment to getting external guidance and support through this process. The intention is to review this policy regularly, to ensure that it reflects the Group's impacts and activities.

Creditor Payment
For all trade creditors, it is Group policy to:

  • Agree and confirm the terms of payment at the commencement of business with that supplier.
  • Pay in accordance with contractual and other legal obligations.
  • Continually review the payment procedures and liaise with suppliers as a means of eliminating difficulties and maintaining a good working relationship.
Trade creditor days of the Group for the year ended 31 March 1999 were 24 days (1998 28 days) based on the ratio of Group trade creditors at the end of the year to the amounts invoiced during the year by trade creditors.

A resolution to re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as auditors of the Company will be proposed at the Annual General Meeting.
By Order of the Board
David Morris
29 June 1999
Registered Office:
Universal House
Devonshire Street
Manchester M60 1XA