Annual Report and Accounts 2006

Group financial record


Income statements - 2005 to 2006 (IFRS) Download the Income statements 2005 to 2006 (IFRS) in PDF format (opens in a new window) PDF format (36 KB) Download the Income statements 2005 to 2006 (IFRS) in Excel format (opens in a new window) Excel format (18 KB)

Income statement - 2004 to 2005 (IFRS)

Revenue - Continuing operations (a)    
Americas Beverages 1,781 1,686
Americas Confectionery 1,228 1,093
EMEA 2,333 2,246
Asia Pacific 1,157 1,050
Central 9 10
  6,508 6,085
Underlying Profit from Operations (profit from operations excluding non-trading items, restructuring costs, amortisation of brand intangibles and IAS 39 adjustment)    
Continuing operations (a)    
Americas Beverages 524 503
Americas Confectionery 172 143
EMEA 336 323
Asia Pacific 157 134
Central (156) (149)
  1,033 954
Restructuring costs (72) (140)
Amortisation and impairment of intangibles (6) (7)
Non-trading items 25 18
IAS 39 adjustment 23 n/a
Group Profit from Operations 1,003 825
Share of result in associates 28 22
Profit before financing and taxation 1,031 847
Financing (188) (205)
Profit before Taxation 843 642
Taxation (140) (145)
Discontinued operations - Europe Beverages 73 50
Minorities (11) (22)
Profit for the Period attributable to equity shareholders 765 525

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