17 February |
Results for 2003 announced |
27 April |
Annual General Meeting |
6 August |
Interim results for 2004 announced |
24 March |
Ex-dividend date |
26 March |
Record date |
7 May |
Payment of dividend for 2003 |
25 August |
Ex-dividend date |
27 August |
Record date |
8 October |
Payment of interim dividend for 2004 |
7 April |
Payment of interest |
7 October |
Payment of interest |
20 January |
Payment of interest |
20 July |
Payment of interest |
Information about the Group can be found on
the internet at www.bbg.co.uk
You are able to keep track of the share price
through the financial press, by visiting our
Group website at www.bbg.co.uk or by calling
the Shareholder Helpline on 0870 703 0003.
To buy or sell Bradford & Bingley shares call
0870 703 0003.This service is provided by
our Registrar, Computershare and is available
to all our shareholders. Please have your
Securityholder Reference Number (‘SRN’)
ready when making your call.
For shareholders in the Bradford & Bingley
Nominee Account a postal share dealing
service is also available. Please contact the
Registrar for details.
For information about the Annual General
Meeting, shareholdings, dividends and changes
to personal details shareholders should
contact the Registrar:
Computershare Investor Services PLC,
PO Box 1913,The Pavilions,
Bridgwater Road, Bristol BS99 2PR
Telephone: 0870 703 0003
Institutional investors may wish to
contact Investor Relations by email to
irenquiries@bbg.co.uk or by calling
01274 554928.
The Summary Financial Statement is available
in large print, Braille and audio tape format.To
request a copy call the Shareholder Helpline
on 0870 703 0003.
Many investors find themselves owning parcels
of shares in quantities so small that it would
cost more to sell them than they are worth.
They may therefore be too small to do
anything with, but may still bring a tax liability
on any dividends paid and unwanted annual
reports and other documents.
Bradford & Bingley plc supports ShareGift, which
is administered by The Orr Mackintosh
Foundation (registered charity number 1052668).
Any shares that you donate to ShareGift will
be transferred into the name of The Orr
Mackintosh Foundation, who will aggregate
them, sell them when possible and donate the
proceeds to a growing list of charities. Since
ShareGift was started over £4 million has been
given to more than 400 different charities.
If you would like to use ShareGift, or receive
more information about the scheme, they
can be contacted by visiting their website at
www.sharegift.org.uk or by calling 0207 337
0501, or by writing to The Orr Mackintosh
Foundation, 46 Grosvenor Street,
London W1K 3HN.
Dividends will be paid to you by cheque to
the address held by the Registrar or they can
be credited to a suitable bank or building
society account.
When the dividend payments are made you
will receive a form to enable you to have your
future dividends paid directly into an
appropriate bank or building society account.
If you have your dividends paid to your bank
or building society you will receive one
consolidated tax voucher each year.This will
contain the taxation details of all dividends
paid in that particular tax year.
The Company has set up a facility for
shareholders to take advantage of electronic
communications.You can vote online and
receive notification of shareholder documents
In addition to providing electronic voting and
proxy appointment via our Registrar's website,
the Company is supporting the CREST
electronic proxy appointment service. Please
see the notes on the proxy voting form for
details of how to use this service.
KPMG Audit Plc
1 The Embankment, Neville Street
Leeds LS1 4DW
Financial Adviser
Goldman Sachs International
Peterborough Court, 133 Fleet Street
London EC4A 2BB
Computershare Investor Services PLC
P O Box 1913,The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road,
Bristol BS99 2PR
Herbert Smith
Exchange House, Primrose Street
London EC2A 2HS
Citigroup Global Markets Limited
Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5LB
Hoare Govett Limited
250 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 4AA
Shareholders' interests in shares at 31 December
2003 *
![Table of Shareholders' interests in shares at 31 December 2003](../images/interest_in_shares.gif)
*The interests above include holdings in the Bradford & Bingley Nominee Account, certificated and uncertificated holdings and
those shares held on behalf of staff by the trustees of the Bradford & Bingley Share Ownership Trust.
As at 31 December 2003 the share price was 305p and the market capitalisation was £1.9bn.
Relative share price performance since flotation