Share price
The Company’s ordinary shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange under ‘Insurance’. Prices are given daily in newspapers including the Financial Times, Times, Daily Telegraph, Independent and Evening Standard.

Share certificates
On 24 September 1999 all of the Company’s share certificates were replaced and thus share certificates issued prior to that date, whether in the Company’s present or previous name (Angerstein Underwriting Trust PLC), are no longer valid. Any shareholder holding such invalid share certificates who does not also hold the relevant replacement certificate(s) should contact the Company’s Registrar, Computershare Investor Services PLC (details below).

ISAs and PEPs
The Company’s shares qualify to be held as equities in Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) and in Personal Equity Plans (PEPs).

Capital gains tax information
Information regarding the base costs, and apportionment factors between shares and warrants, for holdings acquired on the original flotation of the Company in 1993 or through the merger with Delian Lloyd’s Investment Trust in 1995 are available on request by telephoning our Investor Relations Unit on 020 7746 1111.

Shareholders’ dealings
The Company’s stockbroker, Hoare Govett Limited, offers a low-cost postal dealing service, which enables investors to buy or sell certificated holdings of the Company’s shares in what may be a convenient manner. Basic commission is 1% of the transaction value, with a minimum charge of £10. Transactions are executed and settled by Pershing Securities Limited. Forms can be obtained from the Company Secretarial Department, Amlin plc, St Helen’s, 1 Undershaft, London EC3A 8ND (Tel 020 7746 1005) or direct from Hoare Govett Limited, 250 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 4AA (Tel 020 7678 8300).

Shareholder enquiries, registrar and website
Please call our Investor Relations Unit on 020 7746 1111 or, for enquiries concerning share registration, call our Registrar, Computershare Investor Services plc, on 0870 702 0000.

Amlin’s corporate website is at