Aged 61. Appointed a non-executive director
and Chairman of the Company in 1998 on
completion of its merger with ML (Bermuda)
Limited. Chairman of the Nomination
Committee. A non-executive director of
Helphire Group plc, Yura International
Holding B.V. and White Ensign Association
Limited. Formerly Chief Executive of Sun
Alliance Group plc and, until 1998, Deputy
Chairman of Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance
Group plc. Chairman of the Association of
British Insurers from 1997 to 1998.
Aged 44. Appointed Group Chief Executive
in 1999, having joined the Board as Group
Finance Director in 1997. Chartered
Accountant. Elected to the Council of Lloyd's,
representing Amlin Corporate Member
Limited, with effect from 2001. A member
of the Lloyd's Market Board for 2001 and
2002 and from 2002 Chairman of the Lloyd's
Market Association's Capital Committee.
A director of Amlin Underwriting Limited
since 1998. A non-executive director of
Lloyd's Japan Inc. from 2000 to March
2003. A director of NatWest Markets
Corporate Finance Limited until 1997,
having been employed there from 1983.
Aged 34. Appointed Group Finance Director
when he joined the Group in 1999. Also a
director of Amlin Underwriting Limited since
1999. Chartered Accountant. Member of the
Finance Committee of the Lloyd's Market
Association since January 2002 and of the
Lloyd's Investment Committee from 2003.
Joined the Group from Deloitte & Touche,
where he was a director specialising in the
insurance and financial services sector.
Aged 45. Appointed a director of the
Company in 2000. Head of the Amlin
Insurance Services division of Syndicate
2001, which comprises the Group's UK
motor, property and liability businesses.
A director of Amlin Underwriting Limited
since 1993. Member of the Lloyd's Market
Board from 2000 to 2002. Chairman of
the Finance Committee of the Lloyd's
Motor Underwriters Association and of
the Lloyd's Training and Advisory Group.
Member of the Business Development Unit
Board at Lloyd's from 1997 to 2000. Prior
to joining the Group in 1989, he worked
as a broker with Sedgwick and Marsh.
Aged 54. Appointed Vice Chairman of the
Company in September 1999, having joined
the Board in 1997. Moved from a full time
to a part time executive basis in November
2001. An Amlin nominated non-executive
director of Stace Barr Angerstein PLC and
a non-executive director of Edward Lumley
Holdings Limited and Frontiers Group
Limited. Appointed Master of the Worshipful
Company of World Traders in October 2002.
Chairman of the Lloyd's Charities Trust since
2001. Trustee of The Tank Museum,
Bovington. Formerly a founder and Chairman
of Stace Barr, a Lloyd's members' agency,
Chief Executive of the Company from 1997
to 1998 and Deputy Chief Executive from
1998 to 1999. Member of the Lloyd’s
Regulatory Board and of Lloyd’s Business
Conduct Committee from 2000 to December
2002 and Chairman of the Lloyd’s Members’
Services Unit (MSU) from 2001 to December
2002. A former Deputy Chairman of Lloyd’s,
and former committee member of the Lloyd’s
Market Association.
Aged 51. Appointed a director of the
Company in 2000. Director of Underwriting
of Syndicate 2001 since 1999 which, since
its merger with Syndicates 902 and 1141
for the 2001 year of account, is the Group’s
unified composite syndicate. In October
2000 he was appointed head of Syndicate
2001’s Harvey Bowring division, which
comprises all of the Group’s excess of
loss and non-marine classes of business.
A director of Amlin Underwriting Limited
since 1992, having joined the Group in
1980. Active Underwriter of marine
Syndicate 40 (now part of Syndicate 2001)
from 1995 to October 2000.
Aged 66. Appointed a director of the
Company in 2001. Also a non-executive
director of Archer Daniels Midland Company
since 2001. Until retiring in December 2002
he was Vice Chairman of State Farm Mutual
Automobile Insurance Company and a
director of State Farm Fire and Casualty
Company and State Farm Life Insurance
Company, serving on the executive and
investment committees of these three
principal companies in the State Farm
Insurance Group. US citizen.
Aged 62. Appointed a director of the
Company on its merger with ML (Bermuda)
Limited in 1998, having previously been
a non-executive director of ML (Bermuda)
Limited. A director since 1994 of White
Mountains Insurance Group Limited, which
is in the same group as One Beacon
Insurance Company (a disclosable
shareholder of over 3% of the Company's
shares until February 2003), having served
as President from 2001 to the end of 2002.
Previously its Deputy Chairman from 2000 to
2001 and its President and Chief Executive
Officer from 1997 to 2000, having joined in
1990. During 2002 commenced a temporary
secondment as Chief Financial Officer of
Montpelier Re Holdings Limited, with which
Syndicate 2001 has a qualifying quota share
arrangement. Former President and Chief
Executive Officer of Resolute Reinsurance
Company and former Vice President for
Corporate Finance and Development at
GEICO Corporation. US citizen.
Aged 68. Chairman of the Remuneration
Committee. Appointed a director of the
Company in October 1993, and served
as non-executive Chairman from 1996 to
1998 until its merger with ML (Bermuda)
Limited, the latter being the part of
the Group from which the major part of the
present business originates. A non-executive
director of the Nuclear Generation
Decommissioning Fund Limited. Formerly
senior partner of City solicitors, Allen &
Overy, and, until 2000, Chairman of The Law
Debenture Corporation plc. A former director
of the Financial Services Authority and
a former Chairman of the Lloyd's
Market Association.
Aged 53. Appointed a director of the
Company on its merger with ML (Bermuda)
Limited in 1998, having previously served
as a non-executive director in that group.
A non-executive director of Amlin
Underwriting Limited. Principal partner of
CMS Limited, a management consultancy
firm specialising in marketing and strategic
business planning and development.
A director of ProZone Holdings Limited
and Sports Info Services Limited.
Aged 60. Appointed a director of the
Company in October 1993, prior to its merger
in 1998 with ML (Bermuda) Limited, the
latter being the part of the Group from which
the major part of the present business
originates. Deputy Chairman of Austin Reed
Group PLC and a non-executive director of
BoE International Holdings Limited, Sabanci
Bank plc, UFJ International plc and Melli
Bank plc. A Barclay Fellow of Templeton
College, Oxford. A managing director of
NatWest Markets until 1998 and a former
Chairman of Orion Royal Bank and of Royal
Bank of Canada Europe.
Aged 67. Chairman of the Audit Committee.
Appointed a director and Deputy Chairman
of the Company in 1995. Non-executive
appointments as Chairman of The
Throgmorton Trust PLC, Deputy Chairman
of Standard Chartered PLC and as a director
of Diploma plc and companies in the
Framlington group. An Amlin nominated
alternate director of Stace Barr Angerstein
PLC since July 2001, having previously served
as an Amlin nominated director. A former
Deputy Chairman of the Portman Building
Society and a former director of the Financial
Services Authority. Former holder of a number
of Government offices, including Economic
Secretary to the Treasury, from 1983 to 1987.
Member of the Audit Committee
Member of the Nomination Committee
Member of the Remuneration Committee
Directors are executive directors of Amlin plc
unless otherwise stated.