We will be renowned for profit focused underwriting excellence.
- Enhancement of technical pricing models.
- Improved catastrophe modelling.
- Improved management information capabilities for underwriters.
- Complete further review of technical pricing to standardise and improve methodologies where appropriate.
- Implementation of Genus underwriting system to provide UK Commercial with materially enhanced
underwriting information.
- Complete system developments, eg. Data Warehouse and underwriter workbench, to provide faster, more reliable and more comprehensive underwriting management information.
Continuity is assured by a flexible business platform, with an ability to write business both in and out of Lloyd’s.
- Continued growth of Amlin Bermuda.
- Set up Amlin Singapore to gain exposure to Asian market.
- Acquired Allied Cedar to facilitate growth of UK property business.
- Growth and development of Amlin Bermuda and Amlin Singapore.
- Review select overseas markets for potential opportunities.
- Continue to review capital market developments for potential opportunities.