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DAFWCF (Group)

DAFWC (Group)

RIF (Group)

RI (Group)

Fatality rate (Group)

Fatalities (Group)

Cumulative change (All rates)

Business segment comparisons (RI)

Business segment comparisons (DAFWC)

Cumulative change (All rates)
This bar chart shows the cumulative percentage change in the DAFWCF, RIF and fatality rate for the BP Group workforce. DAFWCF stands for Days Away From Work Case Frequency. This is measured as the number of incidents per 200,000 hours worked, that resulted in an injury where a person is unable to work for a day (shift) or more. Prior to 2003, illness was included in this category. RIF stands for Recordable Injury Frequency. This is measured by the number of work related incidents per 200,000 hours worked, that result in injuries or caused fatality, loss of consciousness, restriction of work or motion, transfer to another job, or require treatment beyond first aid. Prior to 2003, illness reporting was included in this category. The fatality rate is measured by the number of fatalities per million hours worked.
Image with a graph of Cumulative change (All rates)
  Units 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Fatality rate - Group workforce (2) % change 0.0 -39.4 -61.1 -69.8 -53.6 -76.8
DAFWCF - Group - workforce (4) % change 0.0 -16.0 -48.0 -60.0 -63.6 -67.6
RIF - Group - workforce (5,6) % change 0.0 -11.3 -33.1 -45.8 -57.0 -62.7
  Units 2005
Fatality rate - Group workforce (2) % change -40.1
DAFWCF - Group - workforce (4) % change -56.0
RIF - Group - workforce (5,6) % change -62.7

(2) Fatality rate - The number of fatalities per million hours worked.
(4) DAFWCF - Days Away From Work Case Frequency. The number of DAFWC incidents per 200,000 hours worked. Prior to 2003, illness was included in this category.
(5) RI – Recordable Injury. The number of work-related incidents that result in injuries or that caused fatality, loss of consciousness, restriction of work or motion, transfer to another job, or require treatment other than simple first aid.
(6) RIF - Recordable Injury Frequency. The number of RI incidents per 200,000 hours worked. Prior to 2003, illness reporting was included in this category.

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